When one of our volunteers leaves this life, it is a saddening event for all of us. Here are some of the more recent volunteers we hold in our memories.
Laurel Oliver
For years Laurel Oliver managed the psychology and sociology sections of the FOL book room. Although born in Seattle and a graduate of UW, she and her husband spent most of their professional careers on the East Coast. Laurel received both her Master's (Psychology) and PhD (Counseling Psychology) degrees from the University of Maryland. Next to Laurel's section in the book room was the Self-Help section and she and Charles Sodikoff traded jokes on Self-Help books that often were left on her Psychology cart that should have gone to his. Laurel was simply a lot of fun to be around and had a wonderful smile which it seemed was her natural state. Until COVID appeared, she was a regular on sorting days. After the FOL book room volunteer activities returned to normal, her health had deteriorated and she was unable to resume managing her sections. She passed away in March 2025, two months short of her 98th birthday.
Delores Bussell
Delores left this world for a better place in April 2024 at the age of 94. We think Delores must have been born with a smile on her face, as she was one of the most positive, cheerful volunteers in our group. Delores was a teacher throughout her life, and some children of parents in our group were in her popular kindergarten classes on Bainbridge. In our book room, she was one of the mainstays of our Children's section and could often be heard exclaiming over a children's book that had been given to us as a donation. Click here to read her obituary from the Seattle Times.
Patricia A Miller
Pat Miller was a force within the Friends of the Library for many years. She served as President of the Bainbridge Island Friends of the Library from 2006 to 2008, Vice President from 2009 to 2010, and continued on the FOL Board until 2016. Prior to her efforts with FOL, Pat served on the Kitsap Regional Library Foundation Board. Pat loved books and the library and she had very strong ideas about how things should be done to maximize the benefit of FOL's activities to the Bainbridge Library. In addition to her work with FOL, Pat also served as President of Bainbridge Public Library Board of Directors and worked to ensure that FOL and BPL both worked in tandem to benefit the Bainbridge community.
Sabine N Quitslund
As most FOL volunteers, Sabine Quitslund had a preference for the type of work she did to support the Bainbridge library. She was an excellent cashier at our public book sales. Before COVID limited the number of FOL book sales as well as the number of volunteers actively working, Sabine would usually join with her husband Jim in the cashiering duties. Being a cashier at a FOL book sale offers the best opportunity to chat with customers about the the books they are buying and pick up new tips on books to read.
Helen Quistorff
For years Helen managed the mass market section of the Friends of the Library book room and the tall bookcase that stands by the elevator door downstairs. Numerically, her section had more books than any other section except perhaps the Children's section. Every week we receive bags, boxes, and bins of mass market books that Helen cheerfully sorted through and arranged on the shelving. It was a never ending task, and Helen's smile and humorous comments were an indicator of her love of books. Helen, a former Peace Corps Volunteer like several other FOL colleagues, served on the FOL Board of Directors and helped guide us on our successful path. Click here to read Helen's obituary.
John Ratterman
John Ratterman traditionally worked Fridays with the Friends of the Library. But in fact, John came in any time he was needed. In addition to the usual work of sorting and distributing donated books to the various genre sections, John was a master craftsman and the book room has many examples of his work. His projects ranged from additional shelving to slats for wall protection of banging carts to minor DIY repairs. He was always in good humor. He had a wonderful smile and shared comments on daily life and the local situation that everyone enjoyed. A poem, written by John and found after his death, entitled Final Voyage was read at his celebration of life at the Bainbridge library. Click here to read John's obituary.
Elaine Moline
Elaine Moline was a volunteer with the library and with the Friends of the Library for many years. She was tireless and loved working our book sales where she handled the sales to our larger volume customers. Elaine also worked in the book room where she managed the Cooking genre section. She also served on the FOL Board of Directors in the 1990's. Click here to read Elaine Moline's obituary.
Eleanor Deines
Eleanor Deines was probably our most written about volunteer. At 103 years old and still active, she was featured several times in news articles in the local paper and news magazines. Several years ago, she was interviewed for an article in the Bainbridge Island Library News. Eleanor was always positive and cheerful. She enjoyed cashiering at the Friends of the Library book sales right up until the end of her life. She would take a stack of books and add mentally the running total. She was a role model for the Friends. Click here to read Eleanor Deines obituary.
Bill Iulo
Bill Iulo worked for many years with the Friends of the Library. He is most remembered for his work as Treasurer for many years and his hand-written Treasurer's notes are part of our archive of records. When he was no longer on the FOL Board of Directors, Bill continued to work collecting the cash payments from the "honor boxes" in the library lobby and downstairs FOL book stand. He counted all those pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters and rolled them up for deposit in the bank along with a mass of one-dollar bills. His totals were always spot on. Click here to read Bill Iulo's obituary.
Rose Euchner
Rosalie Euchner, who grew up on Bainbridge Island, was an almost permanent fixture in the FOL book room. She was a voracious reader and would chat and share her book recommendations with one and all. Rose had a wonderful sense of humor and seemed to know about everything on Bainbridge. Rose managed the fiction genre and also stocked the upstairs lobby shelves where FOL sold books during library hours. There is still a book cart in daily use in the FOL book room that is named "Rose's Cart". Click here to read Rose's obituary.
Kenneth Fox
Ken Fox became a volunteer with the Friends of the Library some time after retirement from his work as a naval engineer in the Puget Sound area. Like many FOL volunteers, he was an avid reader, and his passion was history. So naturally, he managed the History section of the FOL book room and would share his thoughts and recommendations on almost any book in his section. Ken served as a director on the FOL Board for several years and we all appreciated his level head and fairness. The book American Naval History about the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps was donated to the library in his memory. Ken also was an amazingly handy person and when FOL decided to install metal book shelves along the north wall of the FOL book room, Ken gathered all the necessary materials, his tools, and several friends to install them. We miss his good humor and positive outlook on life. Click here to read his obituary.
Library Address
1270 Madison Ave N Bainbridge Island, WA 98110